Hello Asia is a multimedia art project portraying the upcoming generation of millennials in East Asia. It searches for common ground and a new narrative shared by millennials in the Eastern and Western parts of the world. We therefore traveled to six cities in six weeks—Seoul, Hong Kong, Singapore, Shenzhen, Tokyo and Taipei—to meet a generation of changemakers.
In 2018, millennial artists Lucas De Man (BE/NL) and Hyunsin Kim (DE/SK) went on a fascinating journey to meet their peers in Asia. Together with documentary maker Joep van Osch, they met and spoke to over 100 millennials: students and professors, corporate business owners and social entrepreneurs, experts in robotics and artificial intelligence, and even experts in love and sex. Educators, activists, sociologists, politicians, environmentalists, artists, men, women, married, single, gay, hetero—you name it.
What Lucas and Hyunsin encountered is an inspiring generation dealing with surprisingly similar societal issues and personal questions. A generation who are finding their voice and who are ready to use it.
A multimedia art project
We use different forms of storytelling so as to connect to as many different audiences as possible—in both Europe and East Asia. That’s why we have developed both a ‘lecture performance’ and a documentary. You can read more about these projects on this website.
Would you like to meet us or get involved? Drop us a line at helloasia@companynewheroes.nl